Friday, January 17, 2014

Trent and Travis

I was thinking of Trent and Travis when they were younger.  They were the best of buddies even when Travis was just a baby.  We would have Travis playing on the floor and take our eyes off him for just a second and he would be gone.  He was not hard to find we would just find Trent.  He would come grab Travis by the foot and drag him into the bedroom to play with him.  Travis never seemed to mind he would always be smiling and giggling.  We would tell Trent he could not do that but he figured his little brother needed to play with him. 

As they grew they would play together all the time they never fought.  They would talk to each other in a language that only they understood.  Their mom and I got to where we could understand them fair.  This actually caused quite a bit of problems as they got older.  It caused them to take speech therapy when they got in school.  We tried to have them talk right but I would hear them talking their language when they were by themselves.  They would be just carrying on.  I know they understood every word they spoke together.

Through out there younger years they were together at all times.  They were so fun to watch they came up with some pretty amazing things.  I never knew what they were up too they kept me on my toes. 

I love these two boys and I would not trade them for the world.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. We were actually just talking about this the other day. I love your boys so much and I am so thankful for them. Love you too!... Angie
