Saturday, January 11, 2014


Taylor came in to tell me good night, he seen my page was blank and asked, do you have writers block.  I told him no it was just the opposite; my mind is racing and I have too much to write about.  We talked for a bit.  Taylor was telling me about some of his plans.  We decided that life is quite often hard and confusing.  I told him as long as we follow the spirit we will be okay.  We talked about how sometimes following the spirit is easier said than done.  I told him he would be okay just say your prayers.  He will be okay he is a good young man.

As for me I feel I am not doing that well.  How can I give my boys advice when I am so lost?  I try to follow the spirit; it’s just sometimes I am not sure if I really am doing the right things. 

I moved my family down to the valley thinking I could start a heating business so the boys could work with me and we could spend more time together.  The business did not work out I ended up losing most of the things we had.  I figured at the time that it was not so bad it was just temporal things they can be replaced.  The thing was I was not doing a very good job supporting my family. 

I ended up taking a job driving a truck over the road.  I was sure this is what Heavenly Father had in mind for me.  I just really don’t know any more I ended up being away from my family for months at a time.  I worked really hard thinking it was just temporary.  It was not all bad I did learn a lot, I was able to attend church in a lot of different places and I met a lot of great people.  I was starting to get caught up financially.  The best thing was I was able to see a lot of this beautiful country our Heavenly Father gave to us.   

After seven months of only being home a few days I thought I had an impression to change things up again.  I quite that job and started working with my brother Shad and my boy Taylor moving drilling rig equipment.  Working with Shad and Taylor has been great.  We have a couple old trucks and some old equipment.  I can see some real potential with the business taking off.  Shad has put a lot of time and effort into it.  But as my luck would turn out the rig stacked out.   It took all are money to license the trucks and trailer.  I am still not able to get home to see my other boys and Pretty Girl. 

I guess I am of little faith.  I have been really questioning myself the last few days.  Am I really following the spirit or is it my own ideas?  I am wondering would Heavenly Father want me away from my family. I would think Heavenly Father would want me to be close to my family.  I just am not really sure right now.  I thought I had life figured out at one time but now I fill I am really lost.

Several years ago I made a deal with Heavenly Father; I asked him if he would help me to hear and understand the small still voice of the spirit, I would do whatever he asked of me.  I have tried hard to do what he has asked but I am questioning if it was the spirit or just my imagination telling me what to do.  I am so confused and lost right now, I know this is what satin wants but I can’t find my way.      

1 comment:

  1. I was feeling much the same way with my job the last few months. I still stress about it, but I learned that even if we choose the wrong thing, we need to just put all trust and faith into our Heavenly Father. I also realized that sometimes I am discouraged to easily and if I would have stuck to what I felt, I would have been in a better situation now. However, I tend to allow Satan to discourage me.

    One of the things that I have always admired about all my brothers is you all have the courage to do and try different things, because sometimes I also allow fear to keep me from doing things I probably should have.

    If at one time, you felt it was right, remember that feeling and just start putting trust in Him who loves you. I found that when the anxiety and stress come rolling in, take a deep breath and say a little prayer and then make sure you read your scriptures that night. One of the things I always do to help is go to the topical guide, look up "trust in God" and start going down the scriptures. Also I read on faith a lot.

    I'm still unsure if I made the right choice a lot of the time, but I know that if I keep praying and reading the scriptures and try really really really really hard to listen, Heavenly Father will lead me where I need to be. Trust is a big word that is harder than we realize once we need to rely on it. Have faith. I think things will work out great for both you and Shad and your families.....
    Love you!!!!... Angie
