Sunday, January 12, 2014

Our Heavenly Father Is So Smart

Our Heavenly Father is so smart he always knows just how to help me.  I have been having a rough time lately wondering if I have made the right choices.  I was supposed to go home this weekend but circumstances made it imposable.  I now know why. 

I have been pondering; if Heavenly Father knows what we will do before we do it why are we here?  The lesson in Sunday school was about this very thing.  One of the sisters had a really good way of explaining this.  She explained that our life’s are like one of those adventure books.  I was not sure I knew what an adventure book was so she explained.  It is a book where you make different choices and it will take you to different pages.  She explained that life is this way; we make choices that take us to different pages.  She explained that the author knows every possible outcome.  She said Heavenly Father is kind of like the author he knows every outcome for the choices we make but he will not take our agency away.

A brother made the comment, that even know Heavenly Father knows we will make mistakes he lets us do it to gain the experience we need to grow and do better.  I guess I knew all these things but today it really sunk in this thick scull of mine.
My Heavenly Father knew I needed the lessons taught today in Fruita  4th ward.  I love my Heavenly Father and I truly know he loves and cares for me and wants what is best for me but he will never take away my agency weather I chose right or wrong.  I know he has given me the Holy Ghost to help me make the right choices it is up to me to listen for that small still voice

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