Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Grandpa Stubbs

My Grandpa Stubbs

I was thinking of my grandpa and a time I went up to help him get fire wood.  I had heard he was going after fire wood; with his bad heart and the elevation I worried about him.  I liked helping Grandpa anyway so I asked him I could go and give him a hand.  I was thinking that by me going I could do most of the work.  Boy I should have known better as soon as he knew I was going He decided we could take two vehicles and get a couple loads.  I did not mind other than I was kind of looking forward to the ride up and back so I could hear Grandpas stories. 

We left pretty early the next day getting up the mountain about day light.  We were in a good spot over by Oaks Park.  We went right to work I figured I would not take any brakes and work as hard as I could so Grandpa would not have to work as hard.  I never worked so hard I could not believe it Grandpa was working just as hard.  We had all the wood cut and almost one truck loaded before I asked Grandpa if he was hungry.  I was really glad he was hungry.  Finally I could take a break I was exhausted I could not believe Grandpa could still work like that he was close to seventy.

We took a pretty good break eating lunch.  I asked Grandpa about his childhood.  He told me some good stories.  I learned a lot that day.  We finished our sandwiches and figured we had better get the trucks loaded.  I did confess to him that I was trying really hard to out work him so he would not have to do so much.  He told me that I better slow down because he was not going to let me out work him and I darn near killed him before lunch.  Truth known it was me that almost died.  I have never worked so hard.

We finished loading the trucks at a much better pace.  When we got back to his house he did let me and my brothers unload it while he went in to rest.  We unloaded the wood split and stacked it I was worn completely out that night.

I learned a valuable lesson that day; my grandpa could still work most men under the table.  He surely was not going to let a young kid like me out work him.  I always cherish those times I got to spend with my Grandpa.  I also learned to never underestimate him.    

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