Monday, January 6, 2014

Chased By a Pig

Have you ever been chased by a pig?  I have it is pretty darn scary, I never knew a pig could run so fast.

I was in middle school, back then we had split session, I went in the afternoon.  This meant I got to do the morning chores.  After milking I started on the watering.   When I got to the pig pen I noticed the white sow was missing.  I looked down in the bottom pasture sure enough that is where she was.  It was always wet down there it was like walking on a water bed, the sod would roll under my feet.  I had my morning all planed out and chasing a pig was not on the list. I put the water in the cow’s trough and headed down through the rolling sod.  I was yelling at her to get back to her pen.  Of course she was quite content rooting up all that soft mud.  I got right down there by her she would not listen to one word I said.  I pushed her with my foot and all I got was a few grunts.  I was getting mad, I had things I wanted to do. After trying to be nice and not getting anywhere I gave her a good hard swift kick, it was like kicking a rock.  It did get her attention though, she was mad.  She came at me trying to take a bite of me.  Now if you have never had a pig after you let me tell you it is not fun.  I looked for my best escape; there was not one I was in the middle of the pasture my only chance was to run.  This presented a challenge of itself; try running on a water bed and you will see what I mean.  Luckily a scared person can run under any circumstances.  I have never run so fast, but it was not fast enough. She was gaining on me, I kept looking back and she was getting closer and closer.  I remember thinking this is about right get eaten by a pig, what a way to go.  I did not try yelling I was the only one down there I thought.  Just about when she was right on me, out of nowhere there was Boots our dog. He grabbed her by the snout and threw her down.  He chewed her up pretty good she headed straight for her pen.  Boy was I thankful for Boots I really am not sure what I would have done.  Needless to say Boots got some very special treatment for a few days.  Let me tell you a few things I learned.  I always take a good size stick, I use a little more participants and I make sure I have my dog close before herding a pig.        

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