Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Greatest Dad Ever

We all think our dads are the best but I know my dad is the GREATEST man I know.  You say how do I know?  Let me see if I can put it into words.

The way my dad treats my mom, the love he has for her, what a great example of true love.  When he talks about mom I can feel the love and respect he has for her.  If you want to get him upset just show disrespect toward mom and you will have a fight on your hands.

The way my dad treats us kids, we never wondered if we are loved, we can feel the love he has for us.  Being a dad he would have to get after us when we made poor choices.  But he never left us feeling like we were failures.  After the lecture he would be sure to let you know something that he was proud of us.

The way my dad treats his fellow man; I have never met someone that disliked my dad. I have seen him get upset with certain people but again he always found the good in them. What a great example of forgiveness.

 The way my dad loves our Heavenly Father, his testimony is like a rock it never waivers.  I can feel the spirit with my dad.

The way my dad treats his animals, they all love him the horses, cows, sheep, chickens and dogs.  I will go to the corral with him the animals follow him around with love.  He can just look around and know if one of his animals is missing.  He talks to them and they talk back, animals only talks back to people that love them.

The sacrifices my dad made for his family.  He never put himself first; he always made sure his family was first.  My dad went without a lot of things because he made sure we were taken care of.

My dad’s work ethic, my dad has worked his whole life and never complained.  Growing up he was up by four every morning.  I remember one time we thought we woke up before him.  We ran in giving him a hard time, he just played along telling us we beat him up.  Latter finding out he had been sick all night.  He worked out of town when the work was slow in town.  He worked all day and then came home to work on the farm.  Dad taught us to work hard; he always said an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.

My dad believes in playing hard too.  I think back on the times he would be working out of town during the summer.  He would get to come home we would have everything packed up ready to go camping.  Looking back I am sure he just wanted to come home and relax.  He never complained he just said lets go.

A couple short stories about my dad.  Grandma told me when dad was drafted to Vietnam she prayed and prayed. She told me that out of all her boys that she knew dad could not kill anyone.  Her prayers were answered.  Was put in as a medic as far as I know he never had to shoot anyone.

One of my most favorite memories with dad is an elk hunting trip. It was just me and dad we loaded up the horses in back of the truck.  We headed up to North Fork; Uintah Mountains.  We road down the old logging road to the south side of Red Pine we did not see any elk.  It did not matter I was spending time with my dad doing something we both loved. 

My dad tried to spend individual time with all of us.  I am sure it proved to be a difficult challenge at times with seven kids and a work schedule that took up most of his time.  He always managed to make each of us feel special and loved.

I could go on and on about my dad He is the greatest example a son could ask for.  I just hope I am half the man my dad is.  This is only a few reasons I know he is the Greatest Dad ever.

I love you dad thank you for all you do for me and thank you for your example.   

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