Monday, January 27, 2014

The Bull

Whenever I need a good laugh I like to think of the time uncle Van brought his bull over to my place on the creek.  You see I had more pasture than cows so I made a deal with Dad and uncle Van to run some cows with mine.  Uncle Van had a bull he had just got from the bull sale I had not seen him yet.  Dad told me he was a good looking bull.  I met uncle Van at the gate by Mr. Price’s house.  We decided to unload him right at the gate.  The cows were just on the other side of the house. We figured he could find the cows okay. 

Well I have to tell you I was pretty excited to see this bull I knew uncle Van had paid quite a bit for him.  The stock trailer was squatting pretty good, all I could see was the bulls back through the rails of the trailer.  I had uncle Van back up right in the gate next to the gate post so I could pull the gate up against the trailer just in case he was on the fight from being hauled.  Dad had always taught us to never trust a bull.  Uncle Van told me that would not be necessary he was a pretty gentle bull.  Just to be safe I left the gate close.

Uncle Van opened the trailer door finally I get to see him.  I figured he would jump right on out but he was in no hurry.  He finally started out; just picture this in your head, the old trailer rocked with every step as he got to the back the tong of the trailer was trying to lift the back of the truck.  As he stepped out of the trailer it bounced back to its proper height.  He was an awesome bull I was impressed.  I could see uncle Van was pretty proud also.

Now the bull he looked around.  There was a big old Grease Wood just through the gate the bull went over and just destroyed it with his head and front hoofs; I never really liked it anyway.  After destroying the Grease Wood he looked around like he wanted to destroy something else I pulled the gate a bit closer.  About then one of the cow’s mood as to tell him they were over there.   The big old bull lifted his head curled his nose and let out a moo and trotted off with his tail lifted high; now let me tell you this was not a normal moo.  This moo sounded like a calf stuck in the fence by his jewels.  It was high pitched and the way he trotted off with his tail in the air.  I have to tell you I was a bit worried about the other bull; I thought he may be more interested in him than the cows. 

I started to laugh; here was this massive bull that just destroyed a Grease Wood and he mooed like a girly bull.  I could not help myself.  Uncle Van did not laugh, I don’t think he thought it was as funny as I did.  I felt kind of bad for laughing at his bull but it was funny.

Just so you know he did a great job the cows all loved him and he produced some really good looking calves and I never seen him acting funny toward the other bull.  I guess he might have just been going through the awkward stage of life when his moo was changing and he ran like a girl.  I think they call it puberty.           

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