Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Mom and Her Pranks

My Mom, let me tell you something about my mom.  Don’t ever give her the chance to scare you because she can’t help herself.  It’s not all her fault it runs in the family, if you don’t believe me just ask the nurses that worked around my Grandpa Benson but I will save that for another story.

I will tell you of just a few times my Mom got me. 

Growing up in a large family if I got an opportunity to spend individual time with my parents I really cherished it even if it was set up.  It was a late night watching a movie with Dad and Mom.  About half way through the movie Mom asked if Dad and I would like steak.  Now I was feeling pretty special Steak and individual time.  The only thing is that the steak we had was from an older bull and he was tough.  The only way you could eat them steaks was to make them into a chopped steak. 

Dad and I were in the front room we could hear mom chopping away.  All the sudden we heard Mom let out a scream we ran right in to see what had happened.  Now let me tell you she was really pouring it on.  My Mom was pretty darn tough and if she was asking for help I knew it was bad.  Dad played right along also.  He was getting a rag when Mom asked me if I could hold out my hand.  I thought it was a weird request but figured I better do as she wanted.  Now in the basement’s the lights were not that good anyway and she only had the light by the cabinets on and being collar blind did not help either; the ketchup looked just like blood when she dropped the finger into my open hands.  She could have got me much better but her and Dad could not control themselves I knew I had been had. 

If I remember right Mom still cooked the steaks for us and we finished the movie in between Mom breaking out into a giggle. 

Another time Steven and I was just getting home from school usually the dog; Cricket our three legged dog was waiting for us as we got off the bus.  As we got closer to the house Mom met us, she looked pretty upset.  She told us Cricket had distemper or something.  She told us she locked him in mine and Stevens Room.

  Again I should have figured it out;  I got to tell you my bed was really important to me I did not allow anyone or anything on it.  Now there was a sick dog locked in my room.  This may sound bad but I would rather the dog die instead of getting on my bed. 

Needless to say I was pretty mad and ran upstairs to our room.  The poor dog he was the blunt of the joke also as soon as I opened the door he was out of there.  I immediately went to my bed to inspect.  Sure enough right on top of my bed was a big pile of dog crap.  I might have gone after the dog but when I saw Mom in the doorway and I knew the dog was outside I knew I was had.  I just could not believe she went that far to get me.  She handed me some toilet paper, with a smirk on her face, to clean the crap up.  I was really mad I wanted to through a fit.  As I grabbed the crap with the toilet paper I really knew she got me.  It was the realest looking fake dog crap I had ever seen.

So if you are around my Mom and think of a way she might get to you, it’s probably too late.
I Love my Mom and am so thankful to have a mom that kept me on my toes well not just my toes but the rest of the family and my buddies.  I will be writing more about the pranks she pulled once in a while. I will never run out of stories I am sure she is thinking about her next PRANK so beware.

1 comment:

  1. I really can't help myself! Made me laugh reading this which I really needed. I love you!!!
