Wednesday, January 8, 2014

That Dam Ranch

Have you ever wanted something so bad it consumes your every thought?  I have it’s that dam ranch, that marvelous ranch, that spectacular ranch it’s on my mind every minute every hour every day it just won’t let up.  I think about it during the day I dream about it at night.   I try not to think about it all the time but no matter what I do there it is taking over my thoughts.    I have to admit I actually enjoy entertaining my thoughts and dreams.  I even wrote a story about the dream ranch; I have never written a story in my life.  If I am not thinking about what we would be doing on the ranch I am thinking how to get the money to obtain the ranch.  I think I have exhausted every possible means I have thought about.  Even if I had perfect credit the banks will not loan on a ranch.  I have looked for an investment partner with no luck.  Yes I even played the lottery for a short time.    

The dreams I have are amazing I wake in the middle of the night and just run them back and forth through my mind.  Maybe I should not entertain the dreams knowing they probably will never come true.  But they make me feel so good inside.  One of my favorite is me and my family having breakfast together planning out our day.  Another one I really enjoy is something me and Pretty Girl have talked about often.  We would love to be able to give under privileged kids, especially sibling groups a chance to live on a ranch and to be loved.  Just imagine young kids that have never had a chance to be around animals; feeding the chickens, bottle feeding the bum lambs, riding a horse for the first time.  How about going to church with the family; learning that our Heavenly Father loves them and knows them personally.  I have these thought and dreams often; most every nights and days. 

I love talking to my boys and Pretty Girl about the ranch we all get so excited.  It’s fun to talk about how we would run the ranch.  We talk about every aspect of ranching.  Teasing each other about who is the best worker or who would be the first bucked off of Steal or who would milk the cows first.

As I am writing this my thoughts are wonder off; I can see my wife, boys and grandchildren herding cows, fixing fence, branding, putting the hay up, and changing water with me.  You know it’s not the ranch I am wanting; it’s spending time with my family.   The ranch would just be the icing on the cake.

I guess dreaming and thinking of spending time with my family is a good thing, it brings joy to my heart and soul.

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