Friday, January 24, 2014

Heavenly Father Knows Best

I have been thinking about what is important in my life.  It has always been my family but some of the things I want for them and I have changed drastically.  I used to think we needed money to be happy.  I worked really hard to see that my family had all the material things in life.  It took a lot of hard work to get these things.  I worked seven days a week, long hours, on call twenty four seven.  I missed family vacations, family outings, and sporting events.

 I thought I was a great dad, I really did.  It took a divorce to wake me up.  My ex-wife told me that I was not a very good dad; I was in shock I could not believe she could say such a thing.  I thought for sure she was just trying to hurt me.  So I called her on it, I told her that was not fair that I was a good dad I worked hard for my boys and loved them dearly.  She told me that she knew I loved them but I was never around.  I remember really thinking about this I cried for a long time I realized I had not been there and material things did not cut it. 

Well I have to say this is when my life started to really change.  I could not relive the past or make my ex-wife change no matter how much I prayed.  I learned as much as Heavenly Father loves us he will never interfere in our agency.  I learned Heavenly Father loves me no matter what I have done and that I could be forgiven.  Church became a very important part of my life.  I realized it is the time we spend with our family not the things we buy them that makes the difference. 

My boys were really forgiving they joined me in church and family prayers.  Our lives were changing for the better.  Trevor decided to go on a mission.  The other boys became active in other church activities.  I was starting to see through my spiritual eyes.  The spirit was so strong in our lives.  I had never really felt the spirit like this.  I wanted to feel it all the time.  I was told it would even get stronger I could not comprehend how this was possible I was already feeling like I was on top of the world.

I prayed all the time Heavenly Father was with me continually.  He helped me through the tough times and the good.  I felt so blessed but I was missing not having someone to talk to and share all these amazing things. 

Then I was blessed to meet an amazing woman Michelle (my Pretty Girl) she is such a blessing in my life.  I know our Heavenly Father help bring us together.  I gained an amazing wife and two more sons that I love so much.  I won’t lie there has been some lessons and learning and I am sure there will be even more yet to come.

I again am working a lot and am not home much because of some choices we have made.  I felt we made these choices by praying and following the Spirit.  I have had some doubt about whether we made the right choices.  After much pondering and praying I feel Heavenly Father wants us to go through these trials for a greater purpose.  I believe he had work for me to do in the places I have been and has work for me to do in the places I am going.  I also believe he is preparing me and my family for things to come.  I don’t know what he is preparing us for but it must be important. 

I have to admit I have had some difficulties the last while but my faith is getting stronger not weaker.  I miss my family dearly and want to be home with them more than anything but I also know I need to be strong and endure for as long as Heavenly Father wants me to.     

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