Saturday, May 17, 2014

Moving On

Well as most of you know I have been dreaming about the Sandy Ranch in southern Utah.  I have tried everything I can think of to obtain this ranch.  This ranch has consumed my every thought.   It was all I could think about.

I gave up quite a few times knowing there was no way I could ever get this ranch.  But then I would tell myself that I had to keep trying there is just something about this ranch I cannot explain.  Every time I think about it I get a filling, it’s a good filling I have only had this exact filling a few times.  The first time was when I was younger in my teens when I dreamed about this silly ranch.  Although I had never seen it only in my dream, I dreamed about it a couple more times over the years the last time was not too long ago. This time it was me and the boys up on a ridge looking down on the ranch.  Pretty crazy I know I just thought they were dreams until I really seen it on internet for sale.  I just about fell out of my chair when I saw it (the ranch in my dreams) so I called it the Dream Ranch. 

I guess the Dream Ranch was an appropriate name because that’s all it was.  I got an e-mail the other day telling me it finally sold.  I was in shock, oh I knew deep down it was only a dream but man what a wonderful dream.

 It is just now sinking in that the dream is over. Oh I know there are lots of other ranches but I am not sure I want to look anymore.  I don’t believe I could take another blow like this one. 

I guess it’s my fault I prayed to Heavenly Father, here a while back and asked him if I was not meant to have this ranch to please let it sell so I won’t waste any more time on it.  Well I guess I got my answer.  Not the answer I was wanting but an answer.

I have prayed often to try and find out why this ranch was so significant to me.  I did find out something that might just be the connection.  You see my great grandparents on my mom side were raised in Johns Valley witch is just south west of the Sandy Ranch over the mountain.  I have not got started on this project but it is on my to do list, I moved it right to the front of the line. 

Maybe I was never supposed to own this ranch maybe it’s got something to do with my family history.  I don’t know what the connection between the Sandy Ranch (Dream Ranch) and me is but I guess I had better try and find out. 

If anyone has information on this area I would love to read up on the history of it.  My mom’s got quite a bit I just need to get to Vernal and take some time to study it. 

I feel much better.  

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Let me tell you about my Pretty Girl she is my wife and my best friend and she takes care of our boys and I know she loves them.  My Pretty Girl, how did I ever get so lucky to find her.  I had always heard about soul mates and never put much thought to it until I met her.  After just a few minutes of talking to her on the internet I felt like I knew her my whole life, although we had never met.  I knew something was different I had that feeling you know the one I am talking about.  If you don’t know what I am talking about I pray you can experience it.

I was like a teenager in love I could not get enough of her; talking on the phone, texting, chatting and face booking.  The boys will probably never let me live down the morning I burnt breakfast because I was talking on the phone instead of cooking.

I never get tired of hearing her call me Sweet Man whenever I hear that my heart beats much faster and I get that feeling in the bottom of my stomach.

I got to quit writing I am wallowing in self-pity thinking about being away from my Pretty Girl.  Sometimes being a truck driver really sucks.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Martins Cove and the Holy Ghost

I recently drove the road from Casper, WY to Rawlins, WY this brought back memory from years ago.  You see I used to haul tanks from Casper, WY to Vernal, UT.  During these runs there was one spot that was special to me.  It was not until about two years ago I learned why this spot was significant to me. 

I would like to start by describing this area as it looks today as you are coming from Casper there is a rest sitting under a big round rock on the east side of the road.  The rest area is really unique but this is not what caught my interest.  The thing that caught my interest is on the other side of the highway to the South West.  There is a ranch along the Sweetwater River and a cut through a rock ridge.  I never saw what was through the cut.  I could only imagine what it looked like.

The first time driving past this area I seen the cut through the rock ridge and thought to myself, I bet the pioneers used that as a main trail through this area.  I wondered, what they must have thought about this area.  My mind would really ponder these things.  I got a feeling that’s hard to explain; it was like that feeling you get at a funeral and the birth of a child all mixed together.  I got tears in my eyes; I remember thinking that was weird.  I pondered what had happened often but kind of blew it off.

The next time was the same response.  I did not understand the feelings but the feelings were not unpleasant other than the tears back then I never cried, never.  I made many runs and the feeling was always there.  I found I started looking forward to going past that area.

I had a change in my occupation that made it so I did not travel that way.  I kind of forgot about the area and feelings it created in me.  It was probably around fifteen years before I found out why I would get them feelings.

At this time I was living in Parachute, CO active in church and had some life changing events happen.  The boys were getting ready to go on a church activity to Martins Cove.  I had no idea where this was I only knew it was in Colorado.  It was not until brother Bernie Johnson had us watch a video about how the church obtained Martins Cove and told about the Martin Hand Cart Company.  I found out I had relatives in the Martin Hand Cart Company.  I also learned where Martins Cove is you guessed it, it was just through the cut.

I just about fell out of my chair when I learned where Martins Cove was; it all started to make sense to me now.  I can’t explain why I got them feelings but I do know with certainty that the Spirit (Holy Ghost) was testifying to me this was a sacred spot even before I knew the story behind it. 

I have not yet been able to stop and visit this sacred site, but I am going to visit someday soon.   

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Power Of The Spirit

I wanted to share an experience that someone special shared with me.  I will try to tell it like I heard it.

This took place in a prison setting.  As it was being described to me I was picturing the Alcatraz prison that I had seen on TV, rows of cells stacked three or four high on both sides of a commons area with four or more inmates to each cell.  He said it was total mayhem inmates beating on things, wanting to kill each other and foul language, and racial slurs being yelled from cell to cell.  He told me it was worse than anything he had ever seen on TV.

He said he was trying to read the Book of Mormon as he would read a verse he could not remember what he had read the noise and chaos was too much he could not concentrate.  He kneeled down and prayed to Heavenly Father for help; just a moment of silence. Just a minute or two later the prayer was answered.  In all the commotion a black man in the middle of the cell block started singing gospel music.  He said it was like a breeze of silence blew through.  It was as if the prison went quite from one end to the other as they listen to the hymns.  He said this lasted for several hours.

He was able to read and ponder the Book of Mormon.  He told me he knew it was the Spirit that came through the prison. 

This experience really touched my heart.  I am so thankful for the people in my life that help strengthen my testimony.  The Spirit can touch all of us regardless of our circumstances.          

Monday, March 17, 2014

Gold Feever Back Gold That Is

Have you ever wondered what it was like during the gold rush years?  I have often thought about it from watching old westerns to the new programs about gold.  But today I think I might have realized how it might have been back in them days of GOLD FEEVER.

I am up here in Williston North Dakota I can’t load until tomorrow so I am doing the people watching thing.  I have seen I am pretty sure every nationality and race comes in and out of the loves truck stop.  Some are friendly others grumpy and others that just don’t care.  I have seen men and women the one thing they all have in common is they are wearing warm close. 

I think I have seen every make of vehicle Dodge, Ford, Chevy, GMC, Toyota, Nissan, and so on.  Then there is the trucks it is amazing there is so much of a variety old, new, water, trash, flatbeds, gas, box vans, reefers, step decks, lowboys, hot oil, cement, them are just the ones I am looking at right now.  I have seen trucks that I don’t even know what they are used for.  I have seen 10 wheelers, 18 wheelers, 22 wheelers, 26 wheelers, 30 wheelers, just in the last few minutes.

Everyone is busy in and out of the truck stop all day right now is the slowest I have seen since last night when I got here. I can just imagine it was like this at the trading post around the gold fields.  I would imagine there were people of every walk of life trying to make their fortune.  Unlike today everyone is trying to make a living on the black gold.  I think it is probably better today at least if you are willing to work you can make a pretty good wage.  Of course finding a place to stay might be something else. 

Well there is my take on North Dakota.  I cannot wait to get loaded and get out of here.    

Thursday, March 13, 2014

On The Road Again

Getting ready to get back out on the road again. I will be loading tomorrow for Wiliston North Dakota just a few miles from the house and reloading for Vernal Utah and from there who knows.  I am going to try to be home on the 21st it is a speacial day I hope I can make that happen.  I just hate leaving my family but I like that I can provide for them. 

I had to do some work on the truck while I was home nothing serious just a couple lights and secure my fridge from coming out.  I did pick up a microwave this will make it much better hot meals instead of cold.  I did splurge a while ago and buy me one of them small coffee makers; not for coffee but to heat my water for my coco and honey.  Its funny how such small things can improve life.  I started drinking this when I quite coffee and now I am addicted but I do like it and I am the only person that knows how I like it. 

I am starting to pick up some good customers closer to home.  I sure hope I can continue to take care of them.  Trucking is a hard business the profit margin is quite low.  The fuel and maintenance is very expensive. 

My Grandpa once told me, once you starte it will get in your blood.  You know he was right I do enjoy seeing new places and being on the road.  I never thought I would but I really enjoy seeing Gods creation and meeting new people. 

I would still rather have my Dream Ranch but until then I guess this will have to do.  Just a few more years and Pretty Girl will be able to come along.  That might be exciting she is not much for traveling around.  Maybe by then I will be able to take more time and stop more places instead of just driving by.

Keeping My Spirits High

Keeping my spirits high?  Sometimes I find myself feeling down.  This really frustrates me I want to be of good cheer and lift the people around me.  I do not want to bring the people around me down.

I have put a lot of thought into this.  What do I do when I get feeling down?  How do I overcome this glum?  How do I keep it from affecting others?

I am not sure the answer would be the same for everyone but I have come up with a few ideas that seem to work for me.

Pray talk to our Heavenly Father.  He wants to hear from us even though he already knows.  I found this to be the most important thing I can do.

Count your blessings.  I know by counting my blessings I realize I really am blessed beyond measure.  When I do this I can always feel the love of my Heavenly Father much more. 

Service is always a good way to overcome the self-pity.  I am not sure how it works or why it works but it really works for me.  I guess it might be because I am not just thinking of myself.

Stop take a moment and think about all the people in your life.  I think about how much I love them and they love me.  If I get a negative feeling about someone or something it’s a good time to evaluate.  I find most of the time it is me that needs an attitude adjustment.

These are just a few things that help me.  I needed to practice this today so I thought I would share it.  I hope it will help others as much as it helps me.

I am so blessed to have such a great family and especially my wife.  I do not know what I would do without them.    

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How Fast Life Can Change

Well it’s been a crazy couple of months so much has happened.  I was working through Quality Transportation; they were great people to work with.  I had an opportunity to change things up and work with my brother.  I was really excited about this; I really like working with family.  This looked really promising.  I could see a potential for this to really take off. Between the two of us we had some older equipment.  My brother had most of the equipment before I got there.  I was able to help out with a trailer I pick up from a good friend of mine on low payments.  We were able to do a little work with the one truck and trailer before our work came to a standstill.

Well things did not work out as planed; the worked we had planned on came to stand still.  That’s oil field for you.  We tried a few other things without much success. 

I was getting quite concerned my bills were piling up and I had no income coming in I had used all my resources to survive these couple of months; I had to do something else.  I was not sure what to do I know we needed to find other work but we needed insurance and running money.  I was concerned about my family and my brothers.   

I was beginning to think I had made a bad choice to quit Quality.  I started second guessing myself; something I know I should not do.  I have learned to not look back except to learn from the past and use it as a learning experience. 

I knew I had followed the spirit to this point.  I did what I knew I needed to do and that was to pray for guidance.  I got the guidance I asked for but was not sure how or why I was getting the impressions I was getting.

I had an impression to go look at a new used truck a Western Star, so I did not knowing why.  I had my brother go with me.  I asked him what he thought he said he would buy it if he had the money.  I guess I needed his reassurance even know I felt Heavenly Father was directing me.  After driving and looking at this truck I set out to find a way to buy it.  After a lot of talking with Heavenly Father I headed for Vernal for a couple of days.  Without going into a lot of detail; I had no idea what I was going to do.  I spent the night with my parents.  The next morning I drove through Vernal hoping something would come to my mind; inspiration.  I drove clear through Vernal on the west side I pulled over and prayed.  I was no more done praying when a name came to mind of a friend of mine.  I gave him a call not sure what I was even going to say.  I told him what I was doing and he helped me.  I was overwhelmed with the help I was receiving and guidance from Heavenly Father.

I was not out of the woods yet I needed to find someone to lease to.  My brother and I had talked with a company in Grand Junction but I had an unsure feeling.  We my brother and I had talked about another company in Vernal that might be a good prospect.  So I talked with them and decided they were the ones to lease through. My brother decided to hold off and try to make his company go.  I prayed he would be able to make it work.

Everything was falling into place for me I was able to get the truck I leased to a company that I thought would be the best.  I was able to pick up a couple of customers right off.  I had a lot of good prospects; I gave out a lot of my brother’s cards with his phone number and mine. Explaining that we were working together but separate; I explained that I had leased through this other company to get the insurance and support we might need for certain jobs.  All the businesses I talked to were excited to use us.  I went right to work I was feeling like things were really turning around for us.  I felt my brother would get up and running he is pretty good at doing the imposable.  I was able to save a little on the truck by paying cash so I could get my bills somewhat caught up at least keep the wolf abbey until I can hopefully get some money coming in.

I got to tell you I was on cloud nine; I have no idea what that means but have heard people say that when they are happy.  I was working hard I had some really good paying jobs.  I had no time to get on the computer to write on my blog or see what was going on in the Facebook world. 

One night I was knocked clear off cloud nine.  I stopped for the night at a rest area where I got fair service on my phone.  I decided I would take a minute and look at Facebook to see what was going on.  I read a post that concerned me; someone in my family was upset with another member of their family.  It did not even dawn on me that that member was me until I got it through the grape vine.  I was devastated I had no idea that I upset anyone. 

I still had a lot of work left to do I was running on not a lot of sleep and now when I got the chance to sleep I could not.  I was having a pretty hard time trying to figure out what, how and why people I care about would think that I would try and hurt them.  The one thing about driving truck is you have a lot of thinking time. 

I should talk to these family members and see what is going on but I got to tell you when it comes to people you love it’s not as easy as it sounds.  I am not good at talking anyway.  Just ask my wife she can tell you how I am; I usually berry my head in the sand and hope it will get better.

I finally got done with my rush job and got to spend Sunday in Vernal with my parents.  My dad was not feeling good.  I could tell he was hurting quite bad so I asked if he would like a blessing he said he would like that.  We talked him into going to the ER and I knew he was hurting bad then because he was fairly easy to talk into going. That’s not like dad he knew something was wrong.  Turns out he is getting his Gallbladder taken out.  I was able to visit him before I had to leave.  I have a good feeling everything will be okay with him.

I had a long talk with Heavenly Father last night and again I thanked him for all he does for me and all the blessing he has given me.  I asked him to bless all my family and to help them any way he could.  I asked him what I needed to do about my family members that are upset with me.  I have not got that answer yet.  I guess sometimes he leaves it up to us.  I hope my family knows how much they mean to me and I would never hurt any of them on purpose.  I pray for them all the time.  I try hard to always do the right things and follow the spirit.

Dad is home now and feeling better he needs to go out to the VA to have some more work done but I know that will all go well.

I know our Heavenly Father loves us all and he knows are struggles and accomplishments our heart aches and he listens to our prayers and he dose answering them in his own way and in his own time. 


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Take The Time Now Tomorrow May Be To Late

Last Sunday at the first of Priesthood class our teacher asked if we had ever done anything we regret.  I thought about this all during class.  I have done a lot of things I should have not have and many things I known better to do.  After much thinking I really don’t regret any of them; if it weren’t for my mistakes I would not be where I am today.  Now don’t get me wrong some of this schooling was pretty rough it caused lots of heart aches and tears. 

Last week was one of them times; I was so busy I did not take the time to go and see someone that I loved very much.  I knew she was sick but I told myself that I would be back in Vernal soon and I would take a few minutes and go see her then.

 As I was leaving Vernal I had a strong impression to stop by and tell her that I loved her but it was a bit out of my way and I was in a hurry.  I have been thinking about her and her family ever since.

I got a message from my Mom last night that my aunt Kathy had passed away.  I can’t tell you how much regret I had for quite some time.  I was beating myself up most of the night.  I just wished I had followed that impression to go and see her and give her a big hug and let her know how much I loved her.

I did talk to our Heavenly Father and ask him to let her know that I was sorry.  I know she is so happy now she is with her family that has passed and our Heavenly Father.  This has given me much comfort knowing she is having a glorious reunion right now.

The regret is gone thanks to a loving Heavenly Father.  He has taught me another valuable lesson in life.  I replaced regret with learning I think that is how it is supposed to work.

The lesson this has taught me is not to take life for granted.  Don’t wait until someone is sick to go and see them.  Take the time when they are well.  If I have the impression to do something do it don’t put it off or I might not get another chance.  Take the time today tomorrow may be to late.

My heart goes out to all the people that loved Aunt Kathy.  I know she had many good friends and family that loved her dearly.  She will be missed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Them Old Brown Hills

I had the most spiritual time the other day.  It did not start out that way in fact quite the opposite.  You see I was supposed to meet with some people about work; I was on a tight time frame and they had put me off several times.  I guess my since of urgency was not the same as theirs.  I was told that it would be a while and they would call when they were ready. 

Needless to say I was a bit agitated.  I figured I would drive out to what we call the brown hills; east of Vernal.  I have spent a lot of time out there, driving around, riding horses, riding motorcycles and ATV’s, I have also spent many of hours out there just parked and thinking. 

I pulled up onto a ridge that I have been on many a times.  I will admit I was stewing pretty well.  I decided I better pray and talk to my Heavenly Father.  This was the best thing I could have done we talked for quite a while and I started to feel much better about things.  After praying I got looking around and remembering a lot of things.

I was looking around me and remembered the times we would ride our horses to Sunshine Dam and the times we would Rabbit hunt, the many times of being stuck out in them clay hills. I looked to the west of me I could see Split Mountain.  I thought of the times we spent over there.  I looked a bit more north I could see Diamond Mountain.  I remembered the times hunting with my best friends they really loved Diamond Mountain.  I looked straight north I could see Grizzly Ridge.  I also remember hunting up there.  I looked a bit north east I could see the Phosphate minds I thought of all the people that made their living working there.  I turned even further to the east.  I could see North Fork and South Fork I followed them on down to the Red Pine Setting.  I could remember the trips down the trail to go fishing and all the fish that was caught down there.  I just kept turning little by little.  I saw the Bally Mountain I remembered that big old bull elk we missed up there and the time my friend and I rode back in for the opening day of elk season to only get snowed on.  I saw the Massey Ranch and thought about them homesteading that area.  I saw Little Mountain, U Hill, Asphalt Ridge, the Sand Hills, The Peak, the Goose Ranch, Red Wash and Blue Mountain.

I had turned a full circle; the things I mentioned were just a fraction of the things I saw and remembered as I turned that circle.  You see it took well over an hour to make the full turn.  I realize Heavenly Father was showing me the things in life that was important to me at one point or another and many still are.  I thanked him for helping me to take my mind off the stress and enjoy the moment.

I do love Vernal and its surroundings.  I have had many great times there.  I wish I could write all of them down and share them with you.  I will try to write them down as much as I can.  I do love my Heavenly Father for all he dose for me and my family I am extremely blessed.          

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Motorcycle, Pond and Stumps

Growing up we were given an old motorcycle from Uncle Donald.  I can’t remember much about it other than it did not have first or second gears.  So to get going you had to start out on a downhill or push it.  When it got going man it was pretty fast. 

Us cousins would get together down in the field and ride around.  Between us all we had a couple motorcycle’s a Toat Goat and a three wheeler.  We would spend hours down there taking turns, riding double.  We would have a blast

I believe it was Tavis and Steven that done the old Motorcycle in.  You see there was an old shallow pond we would ride threw and if you went through it just right you could catch some air coming out.  It was kind of difficult to get much speed because the pond was in the corner of the field.  So you could only go so fast and make the corner to enter the pond.  After you entered the pond you could not give it the entire throttle because there were some stumps on the other side of the pond we would have to dodge.

Well this day Steven and Tavis were feeling pretty brave; they were riding double and were going faster than any of us had ever went toward the pond.  I was watching in amazement as they made the corner into the pond.  As soon as they made the corner; already going twice as fast as anyone had ever gone they throttled it all the way hitting the other side the motorcycle and Steven and Tavis were in the air.  They flew further than ever before but where they landed is where they stayed. 

You remember them stumps I told you about well they were about two feet tall and they were about a foot and a half around in diameter.  There were probably about a dozen or so scattered on that side of the pond.  I bet you are starting to figure it out by now.  Yes they landed right on one of those stumps; dead center.  It literally broke the motorcycle in half with Steven at the front Tavis at the back.

Yaw they were okay little bruised up but okay.  I am sure there pride was hurt a bit but they got over it quickly when they realized they jumped further than anyone else had ever jumped.

I believe they still hold the record of course the motorcycle was unable to be fixed and the pond is no longer there.
I love to look back on these special times we spent together.  If our parents new half the things we done they would have had a heart attack.   

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Genealogy and the Dream Ranch

Genealogy; I have been pretty stubborn when it comes to genealogy I would much rather someone else do it and I reap the benefits.  Well I got a wakeup call the other day.  My Heavenly Father has been trying to direct me for quite some time now but I pretended I could not see it.  I ignored it so long I got to where I really did not recognize the promptings I was receiving even though they were coming in stronger and stronger.  I finally got it the other day.

It started out several years ago maybe even longer; I had read moms family history book on her Grandpa and Grandma Frandson.  I was really interested in where they were raised (Johns Valley) although I did not know where it was I was intrigued.  I never really perused it but I did think of it often.

I guess it was a couple years ago I saw the ranch of my dreams.  It may sound crazy but I had even seen this ranch in a very vivid dream about a year before and had some similar dreams when I was growing up.  So you can only imagine the excitement I had when finding this very special ranch.

Well I have studied this ranch inside and out I can tell you, probably more about it than the owner.  I was obsessed with it.  I prayed often on how I might find a way to obtain this ranch at one point I even prayed someone would buy it so I could get it out of my head; talk about a hard prayer.

So now you know my back ground on this.  Genealogy was the last thing on my mind.  It was Thursday this week (2/13/14) when I learned the location where My Great Grandpa and Grandma had been raised.  Can you guess where?  Know it was not on the ranch but very close to it.  I feel there is a connection between my relatives and my Dream Ranch. 

I am on a personal quest to learn as much as I can about my family and this area where they grew up.  I am convinced that I am supposed to work on this line of my family and find the stories they have to tell.  I think I got some relatives up in Heaven that are pushing me to do this.  I just wish I could have made the connection sooner.

It may have never been in the cards to get this silly magnificent ranch. It may just be a tool Heavenly Father used to make me wake up.  I will be okay either way but I like to think there is some great history between the Dream Ranch and my family.  I will keep you posted as the story unfolds.  I hope it will be a great chapter in my life.  Who knows maybe the Dream Ranch is in the cards?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Bumble Bee

Quite a few years ago I was driving down the road with the window open in my semi-truck when something happened that darn near caused me to wreck.  Have you ever seen one of those big; I mean really big Bumble bees?  Well this particular day I did more than just see one.  As I was driving down the road I had my elbow resting on the window seal feeling the cool air blow around me.  Out of the corner of my eye I seen him; okay I don’t know if it was a boy or girl all I know was it was really big.  He flew in the window and right down my shirt.  Now I know it’s not a good idea to stand up and undress while driving down the road but at the moment it seemed like a pretty good idea.  That big old bee was just as excited as I was flying around in my shirt.  I made record time getting my shirt off the big old Bumble Bee flew around in the cab for a minute then he flew out the window.  I think we were both happy it was over.

I am not even sure if they sting but I was not interested in finding out.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Toat Goat and Woopty Doos

Tote Goat; who knows what a tote goat is?  Well we used to have one growing up we loved it.  I was telling Hunter about a time we were at the sand hills with it.  So I thought I would share it on my blog.

Once in a while Dad would load up the old tote goat and we would go on an outing.  This particular time we headed for the Sand Hills.  Now the old tote goat did not do very well in the sand but behind the sand hills was some clay woopty doos.  We loved taking the tote goat over the little rolling clay hills.  If you went as fast as you could over the woopty doos you could get butterflies in your stomach. 

We all took turns giving each other rides.  It was my turn and I was giving Angie a ride she was just little.  I took her straight back to the woopty doos; every time I would go over one she would squeal.  I thought she was having fun and liked going over the woopty doos.  I went over them several times before heading back to give someone else a turn.

When I got back to the others I picked Angie up and handed her to Steven.  As I handed her to Steven I noticed something missing on the tote goat.  Now let me describe how the tote goat was set up.  The motor was a Briggs and Stratum and it was positioned about half way under the seat and to the front.  The spark plug was just in front of the seat with a heavy peace of rubber flap covering it. The seat was just big enough for one person so the passenger would need to ride just in front of the seat on the rubber flap.

I guess you can probably imagine what I noticed missing when I handed Angie to Steven.  You are right the rubber flap was gone.  Needless to say I don’t think she really liked the woopty doos at all; every time I would go over the woopty doos it would bounce Angie just enough to touch the spark plug.  Now I don’t know if you have ever been shocked by a spark plug; I have it will light you right up. 

I did feel bad but it was kind of funny.  We did find the rubber flap and get it back on at least that day. 
Sorry Angie  it was not intentional it was an accident.     

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Bike Ride

I was talking with my nephew Hunter Twinn about my experiences on bicycles and thought I would share one on my blog.

I guess I better start out by describing my bike.  It was a pink girl’s bike with the banana seat and hippy bars the only thing it was lacking was a basket and pink tassels off the handle bars.  I loved that bike it was the fastest bike around; at least in my opinion.

When we were younger we learned if we wanted to go bike riding we would ask Mom and if we wanted to go horse riding we would ask Dad.  Not that they did not like one or the other but Dad was raised on horses Mom was raised on bikes.

Well I guess I better get to the story.  It was middle of summer and we wanted to go bike riding.  Steven, Cody Jackson and I liked going to the sand hills or Devils Canyon but we had been there often so we decided we wanted to go clear to the river.  The river was about seven or eight miles away.  Getting there was easy getting back was a job.  It was around two miles of a twisty steep downhill to the river.

We made it to what we called the peak; the peak was where the road turned down toward the river.  We stopped at the top of the road before heading off to the river.  Now let me describe the road getting down to the river.  It was half pavement and half gravel, it was really steep and lots of hard twist.

Well you know young boys one of us said race, and the race was on.  Now I got to tell you I was pretty competitive and hated loosing.  I would through safety right out the window when I was younger; I had no fear.  We were going as fast as we could down the old road I was in last place.  I pedaled faster and faster.  The road was going from pavement to gravel with a few big old pot holes.  I started to ketch up; as we started to approach the first big turn I believe it was the sharpest turn on the hill.  Steven and Cody were slowing down for it I figured this would be my best chance of getting ahead of them.  I just pedaled faster as they were using there brakes.

I remember it was like yesterday I blew past them like they were sitting still.  I turned to give them that look; you know that one when you are the fastest.  I was going really fast I started into the turn thinking I would be okay but then the bike started kind of sliding I still thought I would be okay I was on the inside of the turn.  I knew using my brake would just make it slide faster so I just kept pedaling I figured I would ether make it or not.  I was sliding faster than I thought the outside edge of the road was getting closer and closer.  Yaw I was getting pretty worried at this point.  If I don’t make it and go off the edge it’s not going to be good; it was straight off clear to the bottom of the draw. 

Well you probably guessed it I did not make it.  I could see I was not going to get around the turn and there was a small berm on the very edge of the road.  I know the berm would flip me so at the last second I turned right off the side of the road thinking I would have better luck going straight other sideways off. 

Looking back it probably didn’t matter what way I went off the bike rims would not have made it.  That’s right it really messed the bike up I was not even sure at that point if it was fixable.  Honestly I was just happy I was alive I was bleeding all over from the rocks and brush.  No broken bones or missing teeth so I was good.

Steven and Cody said it looked pretty cool me flying off the edge like I planned it.  Of course both of them said they knew I was going to wreck going that fast.  I think I could have made it if I would have started my corner just a bit tighter. 

We did not let that stop us from going to the river I just rode double with Steven only we went much slower.  I washed up in the river and we played the rest of the day.  We lucked out when we were leaving Mr. Slaugh was heading home from his farm on the river and gave us a ride to my broken bike helped us load it up and gave us a ride home. We were really grateful for the ride and thank Mr. Slaugh.

It took a long time to fix my bike; thanks to Dad for helping me.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Crazy Desire to Write

I did not write on my blog yesterday.  I thought about writing for quite a while but I started wondering why am I writing a blog?  What am I trying to accomplish?  How did all this get start? 

I guess it all started several years ago but I dismissed it; writing is just not my thing.  Oh it came around once in a while but I really did not entertain it much.  About six months ago while I was driving over the road I got an overwhelming desire to write.  It was crazy I never did well in English.  I really don’t even read that much.  I tried to blow it off but it just kept coming back.  I did not even know what I should write about.  I did start doing better writing in my journal and I was writing long text messages to my family.  That seemed to help ease this desire to write for a little while but  It was not long before I felt that desire to write more.  I never had a feeling like this.  It was almost like when you get one of those cravings for something but you just can’t put your finger on it.

I Figured I better consult with Heavenly Father; it was driving me crazy.  Of course I was probably asking him the wrong things.  You guessed it I asked him to take away this silly desire to write.  I was telling him all about how I hated English in school and I mentioned to him about how I did not even read a full book until I was in my late twenties.

Well it worked for a while then something strange happened to me.  I started making up a story in my head.  Now it started out as just random thoughts and some old dreams then I started putting these thoughts and dreams together and a story was starting to develop.

Soon it was all I was thinking about, this silly story.  It was not a bad thing I was rather enjoying entertaining it.  I had the basic story all figured out but I would change it up often.  It was all jumbled up in my head nothing was in order.  That’s right; the desire to write started to come over me.  I could not deny it any longer. 

I stopped at a Wal-Mart got me a special note book just for this story.  I should have got several note books I never knew it would be so difficult to take what was in my head and write it down.  This crazy desire to write was so strong; I stayed up late most every night writing I would write after church and even in the middle of the day on my lunch break.  I would read it out loud and record it.  Then I would listen to the recording and start rewriting till it made sense.

It was not till I arrived home just before Christmas I was able to get my writings on the computer.  This is when it started to come together.  I could copy, paste and delete and yes I had spell check.  I worked on my story thinking I would like to read it to the boys and Pretty Girl; my family would all be together the day after Christmas and I had to work hard to have it ready.

I had a lot invested into this silly story, mentally and emotionally.  The time was finally here I presented my story to my family and asked if they wouldn’t mind listening to it.  I knew I would not be able to read it out loud without choking up; I told you I was emotional about it.  I asked Pretty Girl to read it she done great.

I had never written a story before; it was a personal accomplishment for me. I felt relived the desire to write was gone it felt good I thanked Heavenly Father for taking it away.  A few days went by and guess what the desire was back.  I could not figure it out why me. 

Well Pretty Girl had a blog My Kith, Your Kin, Our Family and I liked hers so I thought maybe I could start a blog write in it once in a while and be okay.   Well I started my blog January 4 2014 with my story The Dream and 37 posts later.

So that’s how it all got started but what does it mean, why do I have this desire to write? 

I got thinking maybe I am seeking some sort of glory, recognition?  I thought about it for a while I hope that’s not the case.

It could be I need to learn?  There could be some truth to this I have learned so much.  My spelling has become so much better; spell check actually knows what I am trying to say now. I and the computer still argue about correct grammar; this is a hard one because I want to learn but I want to be myself also.

After putting way to much thought into this I have come to the conclusion I don’t need to know why the desire is in me.  I realize Heavenly father helped put that silly story in my head to get me to write.  I don’t know why he wants me to do it but who am I to argue.  I have learned so much and hopefully I will keep learning.  You want to hear the funny part; I really am enjoying writing. 

I have changed my prayer from asking to take the desire away to helping me do better and of course I ask why he wants me to learn to write.  I guess in time I might get the answers but until then I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I do.

P.S. Thanks for reading and I welcome any comments or advise.

Friday, February 7, 2014

LDS Ensing Jan. 2014

I am just adding some quotes from the Jan. 2014 Ensign that I really liked.

Enduring Well

We should not expect the Lord to remove our challenges just because we promise Him that we will always be faithful if He does. Rather, we are to endure well, and then we will be blessed.

I was going to just add some quotes from this talk Love Your Wife.  But it was all so good I just added the whole talk.

Love Your Wife

Counsel repeatedly given to husbands by prophets and apostles consists of three simple words.
If a husband will put his wife’s needs above his own, his love for her will increase. That’s the counsel given by President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, who repeats a three-word teaching often given to husbands by prophets and apostles: “Love your wife.”
“It will take faith and humility to put her interests above your own in the struggles of life,” President Eyring says. “You have the responsibility to provide for and to nurture the family with her while serving others. That can at times consume all the energy and strength you have. Age and illness may increase your wife’s needs. If you choose even then to put her happiness above your own, I promise you that your love for her will increase.”1

A Sacred Responsibility

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explains the responsibility that husbands have to love their wives. He says that of all priesthood duties, a husband’s primary responsibility is to his wife.
“Priesthood offices, keys, callings, and quorums are meant to exalt families,” he says. “Priesthood authority has been restored so that families can be sealed eternally. So brethren, your foremost priesthood duty is to nurture your marriage—to care for, respect, honor, and love your wife. Be a blessing to her and your children.”2
Another way husbands can be a blessing to their wives is by “[keeping] alive the spirit of romance in [their] marriage,” Elder Nelson says. “Be considerate and kind in the tender intimacies of your married life. Let your thoughts and actions inspire confidence and trust. Let your words be wholesome and your time together be uplifting. Let nothing in life take priority over your wife—neither work, recreation, nor hobby.”3
Elder Nelson teaches that “expressions of love and appreciation do more than acknowledge a kind thought or deed. … As grateful partners look for the good in each other and sincerely pay compliments to one another, wives and husbands will strive to become the persons described in those compliments.”
And he adds: “Above all, do not be selfish! Generate a spirit of selflessness and generosity. Celebrate and commemorate each day together as a treasured gift from heaven.”4

Lead Out in Love

Husbands can be a blessing to their wives by “lead[ing] out in family activities such as scripture study, family prayer, and family home evening,” says Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
He also teaches that husbands should frequently express love to their wives: “Do you tell your wife often how very much you love her? It will bring her great happiness. I’ve heard men tell me when I say that, ‘Oh, she knows.’ You need to tell her. A woman grows and is greatly blessed by that reassurance. Express gratitude for what your spouse does for you. Express that love and gratitude often.”5

Help Each Other

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles teaches about the love and support husbands and wives should share: “One of the great purposes of true love is to help each other. … We can endure almost anything if we have someone at our side who truly loves us, who is easing the burden and lightening the load.”
He also explains that “love is a fragile thing, and some elements in life can try to break it. Much damage can be done if we are not in tender hands, caring hands. To give ourselves totally to another person, as we do in marriage, is the most trusting step we take in any human relationship. It is a real act of faith—faith all of us must be willing to exercise. If we do it right, we end up sharing everything—all our hopes, all our fears, all our dreams, all our weaknesses, and all our joys—with another person.”
Elder Holland points to the need for selfless caring: “True love blooms when we care more about another person than we care about ourselves. That is Christ’s great atoning example for us, and it ought to be more evident in the kindness we show, the respect we give, and the selflessness and courtesy we employ in our personal relationships.”6

Show Love and Gratitude

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explains that expressions of love and gratitude “do not need to be flowery or lengthy. We simply should sincerely and frequently express love.”
Husbands also show their love by how they treat their wives. As Elder Bednar says: “We should remember that saying ‘I love you’ is only a beginning. We need to say it, we need to mean it, and most importantly we need consistently to show it. We need to both express and demonstrate love.”
Couples can enjoy a richness of joy, trust, and strength, Elder Bednar promises. “Feeling the security and constancy of love from a spouse, a parent, or a child is a rich blessing. Such love nurtures and sustains faith in God. Such love is a source of strength and casts out fear (see 1 John 4:18). Such love is the desire of every human soul.”7
Husband and wife support each other in marriage. See November 2013 Ensign: Henry B. Eyring, p. 69; Dallin H. Oaks, p. 72; Russell M. Nelson, p. 106.

Family-Centered Church

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
“We know that the marriage of a man and a woman is necessary for the accomplishment of God’s plan. Only this marriage will provide the approved setting for mortal birth and to prepare family members for eternal life.”
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “No Other Gods,” Ensign, Nov. 2013, 73.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One Of My Many Proud Moments Being A Father

Being a father I have had many occasions to be a proud father.  This is one of them times; the whole family was excited for the plane to land at the Alamosa air-port.  You see Trevor was coming home off his mission.  It had been two years since we had seen him.  Yes we had received pictures but that’s not the same.  I wanted to give him a big old hug and tell him how much I loved him and missed him.

I bet Trevor was excited but curious also; you see when he left we were living in Parachute.  While he was gone we moved to the Valley.  We told him all about it but I could only imagine his thoughts.  

We arrived at the air-port a few minutes early none of us could wait.  I could feel the excitement in the air.  I knew the boys and Pretty Girl were just as excited to see him as I was.  Being the dad I knew I would need to let them all go first when he arrived.  Well it was getting closer we heard the plane coming in for a landing; I am not sure I have ever been this excited before.  We could see it taxing up to where they got off.  Then the passengers started coming into where we were but no Trevor, I mean Elder Stubbs.  I can’t remember if he was the last but he defiantly wasn’t the first.  As he walked in I could not hold the tears back; tears of joy.  The boys all ran up to him and were hugging him and talking with him.  I thought I would never get my turn.  Pretty Girls turn came up and she let me go ahead of her.  I know it probably was not the right thing but you can bet she did not have to ask twice.  I gave him a big old hug and probably got his suit wet from them tears of joy.  I finally let Pretty Girl in to give him his hugs.

We all talked and hugged for a bit while we were looking for his luggage.  Yes can you believe it they lost his luggage.  I was not overly concerned about the luggage I was just glad to have him home.  We loaded up and headed for home.  I got to tell you the ride home was anything but quite but I did not mind I was in heaven listening to the boys telling Trevor all about what he missed.  Occasionally he would get a word in edge wise. 

As we arrived home we piled in the house.   While the boys showed Trevor around Pretty Girl and I set the table for dinner.  Pretty Girl had made a nice dinner a beef roast, mashed potatoes and gravy and beans and bacon.  We finally were all sitting around the table and I bet you can’t guess who I asked to say the blessing.  Dinner seemed to take a while I think there was more talking than eating.  I had made a big chocolate cake for desert.  We talked for a long time.  I finally told Trevor I needed to go to bed.  So we had family prayer; you guessed it I asked Trevor to say it.  I gave him another big old hug along with the other boys and told them all good night and headed for bed.  I did not get much sleep that night the boys stayed up way late but I did not care.  I just enjoyed every minute of them talking and laughing.

I can’t explain the joy I felt that night I guess being a father, when you hear your family having such a good time it just brings a special joy to your heart.  The only thing that would have made it better is if Tyler and his family could have been there.  I thank Heavenly Father often for these kinds of memories.  I bet he enjoys them as much as I do. I am sure there are many more to come.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Air Horn

I saw this on Facebook and it brought back a something that happened to me a couple summers ago when I was working for Robins Construction hauling gravel.  I was hauling to the town of Antonito from the pit.  About half way between there was a couple young boys that would run close to the road and give me the arm signal to pull the air horn.  Now I would pass this house around every forty five minutes and those boys were ready.  I knew there dad was a Highway Patrol so when I saw his patrol car home I did not think much about it until about my fifth or six trip.  That’s when it hit me he was probably in trying to sleep.  I bet he was working nights.

What was I going to do those boys were looking so forward to me blowing that air horn.  I thought about it all the way to the pit.  After loading my trailer I made up my mind; I could not let those boys down.  I remembered when I was a young boy in Point of the Rocks, WY.  Steven and I and our Friend Tommy would stand down by the freeway and if one of the trucks would not pull that air horn we would be really sad.  I was not going to do that to those boys.

Another time I was in Denver, CO. going down the freeway when a young boy in a car gave me the arm signal to pull the air horn.  So I did I reached up and pulled it all the way.  The poor driver darn near run clear off the road so for safety reasons I don’t blow the air horn unless I know the driver knows also.

Well there you go the air horn stories.