Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How Fast Life Can Change

Well it’s been a crazy couple of months so much has happened.  I was working through Quality Transportation; they were great people to work with.  I had an opportunity to change things up and work with my brother.  I was really excited about this; I really like working with family.  This looked really promising.  I could see a potential for this to really take off. Between the two of us we had some older equipment.  My brother had most of the equipment before I got there.  I was able to help out with a trailer I pick up from a good friend of mine on low payments.  We were able to do a little work with the one truck and trailer before our work came to a standstill.

Well things did not work out as planed; the worked we had planned on came to stand still.  That’s oil field for you.  We tried a few other things without much success. 

I was getting quite concerned my bills were piling up and I had no income coming in I had used all my resources to survive these couple of months; I had to do something else.  I was not sure what to do I know we needed to find other work but we needed insurance and running money.  I was concerned about my family and my brothers.   

I was beginning to think I had made a bad choice to quit Quality.  I started second guessing myself; something I know I should not do.  I have learned to not look back except to learn from the past and use it as a learning experience. 

I knew I had followed the spirit to this point.  I did what I knew I needed to do and that was to pray for guidance.  I got the guidance I asked for but was not sure how or why I was getting the impressions I was getting.

I had an impression to go look at a new used truck a Western Star, so I did not knowing why.  I had my brother go with me.  I asked him what he thought he said he would buy it if he had the money.  I guess I needed his reassurance even know I felt Heavenly Father was directing me.  After driving and looking at this truck I set out to find a way to buy it.  After a lot of talking with Heavenly Father I headed for Vernal for a couple of days.  Without going into a lot of detail; I had no idea what I was going to do.  I spent the night with my parents.  The next morning I drove through Vernal hoping something would come to my mind; inspiration.  I drove clear through Vernal on the west side I pulled over and prayed.  I was no more done praying when a name came to mind of a friend of mine.  I gave him a call not sure what I was even going to say.  I told him what I was doing and he helped me.  I was overwhelmed with the help I was receiving and guidance from Heavenly Father.

I was not out of the woods yet I needed to find someone to lease to.  My brother and I had talked with a company in Grand Junction but I had an unsure feeling.  We my brother and I had talked about another company in Vernal that might be a good prospect.  So I talked with them and decided they were the ones to lease through. My brother decided to hold off and try to make his company go.  I prayed he would be able to make it work.

Everything was falling into place for me I was able to get the truck I leased to a company that I thought would be the best.  I was able to pick up a couple of customers right off.  I had a lot of good prospects; I gave out a lot of my brother’s cards with his phone number and mine. Explaining that we were working together but separate; I explained that I had leased through this other company to get the insurance and support we might need for certain jobs.  All the businesses I talked to were excited to use us.  I went right to work I was feeling like things were really turning around for us.  I felt my brother would get up and running he is pretty good at doing the imposable.  I was able to save a little on the truck by paying cash so I could get my bills somewhat caught up at least keep the wolf abbey until I can hopefully get some money coming in.

I got to tell you I was on cloud nine; I have no idea what that means but have heard people say that when they are happy.  I was working hard I had some really good paying jobs.  I had no time to get on the computer to write on my blog or see what was going on in the Facebook world. 

One night I was knocked clear off cloud nine.  I stopped for the night at a rest area where I got fair service on my phone.  I decided I would take a minute and look at Facebook to see what was going on.  I read a post that concerned me; someone in my family was upset with another member of their family.  It did not even dawn on me that that member was me until I got it through the grape vine.  I was devastated I had no idea that I upset anyone. 

I still had a lot of work left to do I was running on not a lot of sleep and now when I got the chance to sleep I could not.  I was having a pretty hard time trying to figure out what, how and why people I care about would think that I would try and hurt them.  The one thing about driving truck is you have a lot of thinking time. 

I should talk to these family members and see what is going on but I got to tell you when it comes to people you love it’s not as easy as it sounds.  I am not good at talking anyway.  Just ask my wife she can tell you how I am; I usually berry my head in the sand and hope it will get better.

I finally got done with my rush job and got to spend Sunday in Vernal with my parents.  My dad was not feeling good.  I could tell he was hurting quite bad so I asked if he would like a blessing he said he would like that.  We talked him into going to the ER and I knew he was hurting bad then because he was fairly easy to talk into going. That’s not like dad he knew something was wrong.  Turns out he is getting his Gallbladder taken out.  I was able to visit him before I had to leave.  I have a good feeling everything will be okay with him.

I had a long talk with Heavenly Father last night and again I thanked him for all he does for me and all the blessing he has given me.  I asked him to bless all my family and to help them any way he could.  I asked him what I needed to do about my family members that are upset with me.  I have not got that answer yet.  I guess sometimes he leaves it up to us.  I hope my family knows how much they mean to me and I would never hurt any of them on purpose.  I pray for them all the time.  I try hard to always do the right things and follow the spirit.

Dad is home now and feeling better he needs to go out to the VA to have some more work done but I know that will all go well.

I know our Heavenly Father loves us all and he knows are struggles and accomplishments our heart aches and he listens to our prayers and he dose answering them in his own way and in his own time. 


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