Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Take The Time Now Tomorrow May Be To Late

Last Sunday at the first of Priesthood class our teacher asked if we had ever done anything we regret.  I thought about this all during class.  I have done a lot of things I should have not have and many things I known better to do.  After much thinking I really don’t regret any of them; if it weren’t for my mistakes I would not be where I am today.  Now don’t get me wrong some of this schooling was pretty rough it caused lots of heart aches and tears. 

Last week was one of them times; I was so busy I did not take the time to go and see someone that I loved very much.  I knew she was sick but I told myself that I would be back in Vernal soon and I would take a few minutes and go see her then.

 As I was leaving Vernal I had a strong impression to stop by and tell her that I loved her but it was a bit out of my way and I was in a hurry.  I have been thinking about her and her family ever since.

I got a message from my Mom last night that my aunt Kathy had passed away.  I can’t tell you how much regret I had for quite some time.  I was beating myself up most of the night.  I just wished I had followed that impression to go and see her and give her a big hug and let her know how much I loved her.

I did talk to our Heavenly Father and ask him to let her know that I was sorry.  I know she is so happy now she is with her family that has passed and our Heavenly Father.  This has given me much comfort knowing she is having a glorious reunion right now.

The regret is gone thanks to a loving Heavenly Father.  He has taught me another valuable lesson in life.  I replaced regret with learning I think that is how it is supposed to work.

The lesson this has taught me is not to take life for granted.  Don’t wait until someone is sick to go and see them.  Take the time when they are well.  If I have the impression to do something do it don’t put it off or I might not get another chance.  Take the time today tomorrow may be to late.

My heart goes out to all the people that loved Aunt Kathy.  I know she had many good friends and family that loved her dearly.  She will be missed.

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