Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Red-Neck Ski Team

Some of the fun things I have done with my boys are Skiing.  We could never afford to go much but when we did we made the most out of it.  The stories I could tell.  Okay maybe just a couple stories.

Now we are not your normal ski bums; I guess you could call us the red-neck bunch.  We did not have them fancy ski pants and jackets we had Levies and Carhartt coats; and the boys Carhartts all had Stubbs embroidered on the back.  Oh and we would usually all was wear insulated leather gloves.  We were pretty noticeable.

One of my favorite times was when I believe Trent and I was behind Taylor and Trevor a couple of people at the bottom of the ski lift.  Taylor and Trevor were getting ready to get on the lift; I think they got their skies crossed.  I am really not sure but for whatever reason Trevor lifted up his foot witch made the back of his ski go onto the lift.  Now all this was happening quite fast; all I know is I seen Trevor do a front flip Taylor looked like he was standing on his head.  They both looked like they had never been skiing before.  At least we were on the bunny slope.

Trent and I tried looking like we did not know them but the Carhartts gave us away.  We tried not to laugh but we could not hold it in.  I told Trent (we better be careful we don’t want to look like his brothers.)  By the end of the day everyone knew the Stubbs.  I was asked many times if they were my boys I would always proudly say yes.  Even if they could not get on the ski lift without stopping it while they get up off the snow.

One of the things we would do is play follow the leader.  On occasion Trent was the leader and he took us up to the top the trail marked expert.  Now we were fair skiers but expert I think not.  Well Trent went right to the edge of the moguls.  Now if you don’t know what moguls are; let me explain it looks like someone took an ice-cream scooper and started taking scoops out of the snow.  I have to admit I was not looking forward to this but Trent was the leader.  I tried to talk him into going around the moguls but he insisted.  I remember the look on Taylor’s face it was pure fear.  Poor Travis did not know enough to know this hill was probably going to kill us.

We all lined up on the hill; I am sure we were quite the site all scared to death.  I talked Trent into letting us all go at the same time on the count of three.  We all counted out loud one, two, and three and off we went all I really remember were my skies flying my body flopping and flipping down the hill.  I thought for sure the boys would be in as bad of shape as me.  When I finally came to a stop I looked around and Trevor was the only one I could see.  I yelled over to Trevor (where are your brothers) he did not know. 

We looked all around us, then we heard voices yelling are you guys okay.  It is our leader Trent and Travis and Taylor they did not go on three.  Truthfully I was kind of glad it beat Trevor and me up pretty bad.  They skied around on the intermediate trail and met us at the bottom.  We all had a good laugh; I still think it was planned.  One thing about it Trevor and I got bragging rights even if slid the rest of the way on our butts.

It has been quite a few years ago since we went skiing.  I can’t wait to go again only this next time Trent can’t be leader.  Well maybe Trevor and I will give him one more chance.  We will have so much fun with the whole Stubbs Gang Tyler, Tyson, Janessa and our Princess if she is old enough, Trevor, Taylor, Trent, Jacob, Travis, Ryan and who knows we might even get Pretty Girl on some skies. 

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