Saturday, February 1, 2014

Baking Creations for My Family

Baking; I never really thought I would enjoy it so much.  The only thing is I like to experiment and I don’t like to use recipes.  I like to fly by the seat of my pants; as my wife would say.  I like to think of it as a service to my family but in all reality they are my Ginny Pigs.  Sometimes things turn out pretty good other times not so well.

I was making biscuits several years ago I followed the recipe to the Tee.  When I pulled the biscuits out they were like hockey pucks.  The boys called them horse biscuits because Shaleb was the only one that would eat them of course he will eat anything.  I have got much better at making biscuits but I still really like the ones in a can better.

Once I kind of figured out the biscuits I started working on cakes.  I never use a recipe so I never make the same cake twice.  I usually don’t get to many complaints on my cakes especially from Jacob He usually likes them or maybe he just is really nice and pretends.  We have a big cast iron rectangle pan I like to use.  I remember when Trevor came home off his mission I made a chocolate cake the slices were six inches square by about four inches thick.  It felt fitting to celebrate Trevor’s coming home.

Bread is my Achilles, hill I like to try often I never get it to rise like it is supposed to.  Once in a while I get it to rise somewhat.  The only good thing is that I have found lots of ways to cook unrisen bread.  One of my favorites is to make fry bread or just go head and bake it.  Baking it makes really dense bread but it tastes pretty darn good.  One time I took my dough and braided it together put it on a cookie sheet and baked it.  It was a hit I get asked to make it again often; I guess I need to see if I can do it again.  The only thing is I might get lucky again.

On a more serious note I really like baking for my family. I really like it when we all sit down and taste my creations.  I enjoy hearing the boys telling me what they think.  I could be offended; I have some real food critics.  But most of the times they all have some swell ideas and it inspires the next creation.  Maybe one day they may become great bakers themselves.

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