Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Them Old Brown Hills

I had the most spiritual time the other day.  It did not start out that way in fact quite the opposite.  You see I was supposed to meet with some people about work; I was on a tight time frame and they had put me off several times.  I guess my since of urgency was not the same as theirs.  I was told that it would be a while and they would call when they were ready. 

Needless to say I was a bit agitated.  I figured I would drive out to what we call the brown hills; east of Vernal.  I have spent a lot of time out there, driving around, riding horses, riding motorcycles and ATV’s, I have also spent many of hours out there just parked and thinking. 

I pulled up onto a ridge that I have been on many a times.  I will admit I was stewing pretty well.  I decided I better pray and talk to my Heavenly Father.  This was the best thing I could have done we talked for quite a while and I started to feel much better about things.  After praying I got looking around and remembering a lot of things.

I was looking around me and remembered the times we would ride our horses to Sunshine Dam and the times we would Rabbit hunt, the many times of being stuck out in them clay hills. I looked to the west of me I could see Split Mountain.  I thought of the times we spent over there.  I looked a bit more north I could see Diamond Mountain.  I remembered the times hunting with my best friends they really loved Diamond Mountain.  I looked straight north I could see Grizzly Ridge.  I also remember hunting up there.  I looked a bit north east I could see the Phosphate minds I thought of all the people that made their living working there.  I turned even further to the east.  I could see North Fork and South Fork I followed them on down to the Red Pine Setting.  I could remember the trips down the trail to go fishing and all the fish that was caught down there.  I just kept turning little by little.  I saw the Bally Mountain I remembered that big old bull elk we missed up there and the time my friend and I rode back in for the opening day of elk season to only get snowed on.  I saw the Massey Ranch and thought about them homesteading that area.  I saw Little Mountain, U Hill, Asphalt Ridge, the Sand Hills, The Peak, the Goose Ranch, Red Wash and Blue Mountain.

I had turned a full circle; the things I mentioned were just a fraction of the things I saw and remembered as I turned that circle.  You see it took well over an hour to make the full turn.  I realize Heavenly Father was showing me the things in life that was important to me at one point or another and many still are.  I thanked him for helping me to take my mind off the stress and enjoy the moment.

I do love Vernal and its surroundings.  I have had many great times there.  I wish I could write all of them down and share them with you.  I will try to write them down as much as I can.  I do love my Heavenly Father for all he dose for me and my family I am extremely blessed.          

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