Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Bike Ride

I was talking with my nephew Hunter Twinn about my experiences on bicycles and thought I would share one on my blog.

I guess I better start out by describing my bike.  It was a pink girl’s bike with the banana seat and hippy bars the only thing it was lacking was a basket and pink tassels off the handle bars.  I loved that bike it was the fastest bike around; at least in my opinion.

When we were younger we learned if we wanted to go bike riding we would ask Mom and if we wanted to go horse riding we would ask Dad.  Not that they did not like one or the other but Dad was raised on horses Mom was raised on bikes.

Well I guess I better get to the story.  It was middle of summer and we wanted to go bike riding.  Steven, Cody Jackson and I liked going to the sand hills or Devils Canyon but we had been there often so we decided we wanted to go clear to the river.  The river was about seven or eight miles away.  Getting there was easy getting back was a job.  It was around two miles of a twisty steep downhill to the river.

We made it to what we called the peak; the peak was where the road turned down toward the river.  We stopped at the top of the road before heading off to the river.  Now let me describe the road getting down to the river.  It was half pavement and half gravel, it was really steep and lots of hard twist.

Well you know young boys one of us said race, and the race was on.  Now I got to tell you I was pretty competitive and hated loosing.  I would through safety right out the window when I was younger; I had no fear.  We were going as fast as we could down the old road I was in last place.  I pedaled faster and faster.  The road was going from pavement to gravel with a few big old pot holes.  I started to ketch up; as we started to approach the first big turn I believe it was the sharpest turn on the hill.  Steven and Cody were slowing down for it I figured this would be my best chance of getting ahead of them.  I just pedaled faster as they were using there brakes.

I remember it was like yesterday I blew past them like they were sitting still.  I turned to give them that look; you know that one when you are the fastest.  I was going really fast I started into the turn thinking I would be okay but then the bike started kind of sliding I still thought I would be okay I was on the inside of the turn.  I knew using my brake would just make it slide faster so I just kept pedaling I figured I would ether make it or not.  I was sliding faster than I thought the outside edge of the road was getting closer and closer.  Yaw I was getting pretty worried at this point.  If I don’t make it and go off the edge it’s not going to be good; it was straight off clear to the bottom of the draw. 

Well you probably guessed it I did not make it.  I could see I was not going to get around the turn and there was a small berm on the very edge of the road.  I know the berm would flip me so at the last second I turned right off the side of the road thinking I would have better luck going straight other sideways off. 

Looking back it probably didn’t matter what way I went off the bike rims would not have made it.  That’s right it really messed the bike up I was not even sure at that point if it was fixable.  Honestly I was just happy I was alive I was bleeding all over from the rocks and brush.  No broken bones or missing teeth so I was good.

Steven and Cody said it looked pretty cool me flying off the edge like I planned it.  Of course both of them said they knew I was going to wreck going that fast.  I think I could have made it if I would have started my corner just a bit tighter. 

We did not let that stop us from going to the river I just rode double with Steven only we went much slower.  I washed up in the river and we played the rest of the day.  We lucked out when we were leaving Mr. Slaugh was heading home from his farm on the river and gave us a ride to my broken bike helped us load it up and gave us a ride home. We were really grateful for the ride and thank Mr. Slaugh.

It took a long time to fix my bike; thanks to Dad for helping me.

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