Monday, February 17, 2014

The Motorcycle, Pond and Stumps

Growing up we were given an old motorcycle from Uncle Donald.  I can’t remember much about it other than it did not have first or second gears.  So to get going you had to start out on a downhill or push it.  When it got going man it was pretty fast. 

Us cousins would get together down in the field and ride around.  Between us all we had a couple motorcycle’s a Toat Goat and a three wheeler.  We would spend hours down there taking turns, riding double.  We would have a blast

I believe it was Tavis and Steven that done the old Motorcycle in.  You see there was an old shallow pond we would ride threw and if you went through it just right you could catch some air coming out.  It was kind of difficult to get much speed because the pond was in the corner of the field.  So you could only go so fast and make the corner to enter the pond.  After you entered the pond you could not give it the entire throttle because there were some stumps on the other side of the pond we would have to dodge.

Well this day Steven and Tavis were feeling pretty brave; they were riding double and were going faster than any of us had ever went toward the pond.  I was watching in amazement as they made the corner into the pond.  As soon as they made the corner; already going twice as fast as anyone had ever gone they throttled it all the way hitting the other side the motorcycle and Steven and Tavis were in the air.  They flew further than ever before but where they landed is where they stayed. 

You remember them stumps I told you about well they were about two feet tall and they were about a foot and a half around in diameter.  There were probably about a dozen or so scattered on that side of the pond.  I bet you are starting to figure it out by now.  Yes they landed right on one of those stumps; dead center.  It literally broke the motorcycle in half with Steven at the front Tavis at the back.

Yaw they were okay little bruised up but okay.  I am sure there pride was hurt a bit but they got over it quickly when they realized they jumped further than anyone else had ever jumped.

I believe they still hold the record of course the motorcycle was unable to be fixed and the pond is no longer there.
I love to look back on these special times we spent together.  If our parents new half the things we done they would have had a heart attack.   

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