Monday, February 3, 2014

A Flood of Emotions

About eight months ago I had a flood of emotions go through me.  It was when I was flying out to pick up my truck in Rapid City, ND.  I was going to fly from Alamosa to Denver then on into Rapid City. 

Let me set the stage I had never flown before this was my first time.  I knew I would be changing flights in Denver and I do not do well in crowds.   I had only been away from My Pretty Girl a few times.  Driving over the road was a big decision for my family and me.  The thought of being away from Pretty Girl and the boys was really troubling me. 

I woke that morning excited to be flying I had always wanted to fly.  My bags were packed; I had gone over everything several times to make sure I did not forget anything.  We would need to be at the airport early to check everything in.  I was nervous, excited, scared, happy and a little bit sick to my stomach. 

Well it was finally time I gave the boys each a hug and got out of there before they could see the tears roll down my cheeks.  As Pretty Girl and I drove to the small airport in Alamosa we talked and planed for when I would be home; nether one of us knew when that might be we were hoping in a couple weeks.

As we got to the airport I almost wanted to turn back.  We made our way into the building.  Got my luggage checked in a lot faster than expected.  This gave us time to be together before I left.  I don’t mind telling you fear was taking over at this point.  It was not fear of flying it was fear of leaving my family.  It was time I needed to check in.  

Pretty Girl went as far as she could with me.  I went through the metal detector and was led to a room where I could see Pretty Girl through the door we waved one last time as the door was shut.  I can still see Pretty Girls face she looked so sad.  The feeling when that door shut I will never forget.  I was heartbroken it was like the end of the world.  I can’t really put it into words the feelings that I was feeling.  I sat over away from everyone bowed my head, closed my eyes, folded my arms and said a prayer.

It was not long and we were boarding the plane.  My fear was replaced by excitement.  I know Heavenly Father helped with that.  Flying was something I will never forget; it was amazing I would love to experience it again someday.  Although I could do without the Denver airport it was a crazy place; I almost got on a plane headed to Ceder Rapids I am not even sure what state that’s in. 

After getting to Rapid City and talking with Pretty Girl on the phone I felt much better.  I have had to leave my family many other times since then.  None have been as hard as that time in the Alamosa airport thank goodness.
Truck driving is for the birds.  I hope someday we can have that ranch and the only time I say good bye is just for the day at the longest.

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