Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Genealogy and the Dream Ranch

Genealogy; I have been pretty stubborn when it comes to genealogy I would much rather someone else do it and I reap the benefits.  Well I got a wakeup call the other day.  My Heavenly Father has been trying to direct me for quite some time now but I pretended I could not see it.  I ignored it so long I got to where I really did not recognize the promptings I was receiving even though they were coming in stronger and stronger.  I finally got it the other day.

It started out several years ago maybe even longer; I had read moms family history book on her Grandpa and Grandma Frandson.  I was really interested in where they were raised (Johns Valley) although I did not know where it was I was intrigued.  I never really perused it but I did think of it often.

I guess it was a couple years ago I saw the ranch of my dreams.  It may sound crazy but I had even seen this ranch in a very vivid dream about a year before and had some similar dreams when I was growing up.  So you can only imagine the excitement I had when finding this very special ranch.

Well I have studied this ranch inside and out I can tell you, probably more about it than the owner.  I was obsessed with it.  I prayed often on how I might find a way to obtain this ranch at one point I even prayed someone would buy it so I could get it out of my head; talk about a hard prayer.

So now you know my back ground on this.  Genealogy was the last thing on my mind.  It was Thursday this week (2/13/14) when I learned the location where My Great Grandpa and Grandma had been raised.  Can you guess where?  Know it was not on the ranch but very close to it.  I feel there is a connection between my relatives and my Dream Ranch. 

I am on a personal quest to learn as much as I can about my family and this area where they grew up.  I am convinced that I am supposed to work on this line of my family and find the stories they have to tell.  I think I got some relatives up in Heaven that are pushing me to do this.  I just wish I could have made the connection sooner.

It may have never been in the cards to get this silly magnificent ranch. It may just be a tool Heavenly Father used to make me wake up.  I will be okay either way but I like to think there is some great history between the Dream Ranch and my family.  I will keep you posted as the story unfolds.  I hope it will be a great chapter in my life.  Who knows maybe the Dream Ranch is in the cards?

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