Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One Of My Many Proud Moments Being A Father

Being a father I have had many occasions to be a proud father.  This is one of them times; the whole family was excited for the plane to land at the Alamosa air-port.  You see Trevor was coming home off his mission.  It had been two years since we had seen him.  Yes we had received pictures but that’s not the same.  I wanted to give him a big old hug and tell him how much I loved him and missed him.

I bet Trevor was excited but curious also; you see when he left we were living in Parachute.  While he was gone we moved to the Valley.  We told him all about it but I could only imagine his thoughts.  

We arrived at the air-port a few minutes early none of us could wait.  I could feel the excitement in the air.  I knew the boys and Pretty Girl were just as excited to see him as I was.  Being the dad I knew I would need to let them all go first when he arrived.  Well it was getting closer we heard the plane coming in for a landing; I am not sure I have ever been this excited before.  We could see it taxing up to where they got off.  Then the passengers started coming into where we were but no Trevor, I mean Elder Stubbs.  I can’t remember if he was the last but he defiantly wasn’t the first.  As he walked in I could not hold the tears back; tears of joy.  The boys all ran up to him and were hugging him and talking with him.  I thought I would never get my turn.  Pretty Girls turn came up and she let me go ahead of her.  I know it probably was not the right thing but you can bet she did not have to ask twice.  I gave him a big old hug and probably got his suit wet from them tears of joy.  I finally let Pretty Girl in to give him his hugs.

We all talked and hugged for a bit while we were looking for his luggage.  Yes can you believe it they lost his luggage.  I was not overly concerned about the luggage I was just glad to have him home.  We loaded up and headed for home.  I got to tell you the ride home was anything but quite but I did not mind I was in heaven listening to the boys telling Trevor all about what he missed.  Occasionally he would get a word in edge wise. 

As we arrived home we piled in the house.   While the boys showed Trevor around Pretty Girl and I set the table for dinner.  Pretty Girl had made a nice dinner a beef roast, mashed potatoes and gravy and beans and bacon.  We finally were all sitting around the table and I bet you can’t guess who I asked to say the blessing.  Dinner seemed to take a while I think there was more talking than eating.  I had made a big chocolate cake for desert.  We talked for a long time.  I finally told Trevor I needed to go to bed.  So we had family prayer; you guessed it I asked Trevor to say it.  I gave him another big old hug along with the other boys and told them all good night and headed for bed.  I did not get much sleep that night the boys stayed up way late but I did not care.  I just enjoyed every minute of them talking and laughing.

I can’t explain the joy I felt that night I guess being a father, when you hear your family having such a good time it just brings a special joy to your heart.  The only thing that would have made it better is if Tyler and his family could have been there.  I thank Heavenly Father often for these kinds of memories.  I bet he enjoys them as much as I do. I am sure there are many more to come.

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