Saturday, April 19, 2014

Martins Cove and the Holy Ghost

I recently drove the road from Casper, WY to Rawlins, WY this brought back memory from years ago.  You see I used to haul tanks from Casper, WY to Vernal, UT.  During these runs there was one spot that was special to me.  It was not until about two years ago I learned why this spot was significant to me. 

I would like to start by describing this area as it looks today as you are coming from Casper there is a rest sitting under a big round rock on the east side of the road.  The rest area is really unique but this is not what caught my interest.  The thing that caught my interest is on the other side of the highway to the South West.  There is a ranch along the Sweetwater River and a cut through a rock ridge.  I never saw what was through the cut.  I could only imagine what it looked like.

The first time driving past this area I seen the cut through the rock ridge and thought to myself, I bet the pioneers used that as a main trail through this area.  I wondered, what they must have thought about this area.  My mind would really ponder these things.  I got a feeling that’s hard to explain; it was like that feeling you get at a funeral and the birth of a child all mixed together.  I got tears in my eyes; I remember thinking that was weird.  I pondered what had happened often but kind of blew it off.

The next time was the same response.  I did not understand the feelings but the feelings were not unpleasant other than the tears back then I never cried, never.  I made many runs and the feeling was always there.  I found I started looking forward to going past that area.

I had a change in my occupation that made it so I did not travel that way.  I kind of forgot about the area and feelings it created in me.  It was probably around fifteen years before I found out why I would get them feelings.

At this time I was living in Parachute, CO active in church and had some life changing events happen.  The boys were getting ready to go on a church activity to Martins Cove.  I had no idea where this was I only knew it was in Colorado.  It was not until brother Bernie Johnson had us watch a video about how the church obtained Martins Cove and told about the Martin Hand Cart Company.  I found out I had relatives in the Martin Hand Cart Company.  I also learned where Martins Cove is you guessed it, it was just through the cut.

I just about fell out of my chair when I learned where Martins Cove was; it all started to make sense to me now.  I can’t explain why I got them feelings but I do know with certainty that the Spirit (Holy Ghost) was testifying to me this was a sacred spot even before I knew the story behind it. 

I have not yet been able to stop and visit this sacred site, but I am going to visit someday soon.   

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